Hey ya! It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded to this blog (18 months to be precise) so I am now eleven! I still love art and I’m about to tell you how I found out about an awesome artwork displayed it Sydney.
When my mum and I were walking to Circular Quay from the Art Gallery of NSW we spotted the Obelisk of Distances (find out about the obelisk here), it looked interesting so we went to have a closer look. When we got closer we saw something on the railing around the obelisk. It looked like a small metal clump, but when I went to see what it was it appeared to be a small metal bird. Then mum said, ‘I think that’s Tracey Emin’s artwork’. Mum had seen a recording of a lecture about this artwork.
The first bird we saw (July 2018) |
The next day we searched online for info on the artwork, and found a video on the City of Sydney website about it. It turns out the City of Sydney chose Tracey’s idea for the artwork from 700 entries to be displayed in a public spot. The artwork is called The Distance Of Your Heart. The idea was to have about 70 small bronze birds placed around Bridge Street and Grosvenor Street, near Circular Quay. After I watched the video, I searched for photos of some of the birds and there surroundings on the computer, then I took photos of the computer screen with the phone and took note of the objects around them. I now had portable notes that showed me what to look out for.
My notes (July 2018) |
You can use these notes too. |
Can you find this bird near Macquarie Square? |
We then walked down Bridge street to see if we could find any. We found our first birds on the roof of the Museum of Sydney. Then we saw a few next to doorways and ledgers, on buildings and lamp posts. We counted about 10 the first day, then we went back the next day and looked for them again. We have found 22 birds in total so far.
Can you find these birds too? |
Here's a clue, there are 6 of them. |
The bird bath says, 'The Distance of Your Heart'. |
I think this is a great idea for an artwork because it also doubles as a treasure hunt for kids.
It feels great to get back to blogging and I hope I’ll be seeing you soon, S.