Monday 21 March 2016

Mum request - PORTRAITS

Hey, guys. Nice to see ya!

This week my mum requested I do a post on portraiture so that’s what I’m going to do.

A portrait is a work of art that looks like somebody. It can be made out of paint, collage, metal or anything that can hold its shape. Even toilet paper rolls! Hey, I might try that.

Anyway, last month we went with an arts group on a bus trip to the National Gallery of Australia to see the Tom Roberts exhibition (here’s a good print out for primary school kids and teachers). Every artist has a different style and Tom Roberts had a very realistic one. I really enjoyed Tom’s Studio kids activity where you get dressed up in a costume. I posed while mum drew me and she posed while I drew her.

In Tom's Studio at the NGA

Me in costume with toy dog
My portrait of mum

Postcard of Blue Eyes and Brown (1887)

I bought a postcard with a portrait by Tom Roberts called Blue Eyes And Brown (1887). I bought it because the girl in the portrait is wearing the same dress that I wore in Tom’s Studio. The next day I did a portrait of Pink. By the way, Pink is my favourite teddy bear.

My portrait of Pink (2016)

My mum helped me set up a mini studio in our loungeroom. I put Pink in an old-fashioned dress and then put her on a little chair with one of my toy dogs. She was very good at staying still while I painted her. I used watercolour pencils. Then added a little water with a paintbrush at the end.

I looked hard at where the wrinkles were in her dress, where her foot was and how much of the chair I could see.

Hope you enjoyed my mum request. Looking forward to next time, S out!

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